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Panorama (cylindrical and equirectangular) and 360 video

The following contains information around panoramas, both cylindrical and spherical (equirectangular).

Digitising the Murten Panorama. The story behind the highest resolution scan of an artwork.

Panorama paintings.

Omni directional stereoscopic panoramas

Capturing high resolution stereoscopic panorama images

Capturing high resolution stereoscopic panorama images with a single camera

Bhaja cave, India

Mathematics for Omni-Direction Stereoscopic Panoramas

Digital omnidirectional stereoscopic camera. The Experimental Imaging Society. July 2020

Omni-Directional Stereoscopic Panoramic Images. UWA.

Stereoscopic panoramic images. Computer generation and projection of stereoscopic 3D panoramic images, includes spherical, cylindrical, planar, and cubic stereoscopic maps. See also: 360 degree stereoscopic display

Vaishali, India

Capture of Omni-Directional Stereoscopic Panoramic Images. Siggraph Asia. Hong Kong 2013.

Two images displayed on EpiCentre cylinder, 26880 pixels x 4320 pixels. OzViz 2018
 - Representing 360x180 degrees on a plane
 - Object panorama and Multiperspective displays

Synthetic stereoscopic panoramic images. Presented at: VSMM 2006, 18-20 October 2006, Xi'an, China. Published in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, ISBN 978-3-540-46304-7, Volume 4270, 2006, pp 147-155.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. Douglas Adams

360 video

Gallery of 360 video projects

Mah Meri, Malaysia

Two dimensional representations of 360x180 degree image or video

Typical pipeline for 360 video processing
Having fun with the Garmin VIRB camera
YouTube 360 video format and how to undo the arrangement to form equirectangular images.

From "101 fun things to do with a 360 video camera".

Wanmanna, Australia

The Panorama: Applications to Science and Heritage Visualisation. Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, UWA.
p a n o r a m a. Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery, UWA.
Wollongong Science Centre iDome Exhibit. Interactive installation at the Wollongong Science Centre largely using 360 degree footage from the LadyBug-3 camera.

360 Video. ECU, September 2019
360 Video. ECU, April 2019
360 video. ECU, August 2018
Data capture for VR. June 2017
Introduction to 360 video. March 2017
Reality in VR. Perth, November

Fisheye and spherical capture using the LadyBug camera. Including an exercise to capture footage of iron ore ship loading for a remote operations prototype.

Historical: Conversion of footage from the Lucy camera.

Mirror based 360 video panorama cameras.

But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. Carl Sagan

Random equirectangular photography examples

Particle accelerator, EPFL, Switzerland

Anechoic chamber, EPFL, Switzerland

EPFL Tokamak, Switzerland

Rock Art, Australia

Rock Art, Australia

Wanalirri Rock Shelter, Australia

Rock Art, Australia

Cave Hill, Australia

Sheep shearing, Australi

Fountain, Melbourne, Australia

Le Picotin bar, Switzerland

Le Picotin piano room, Switzerland

Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Taiwan

Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Taiwan

Fo Guang Shan Monastery, Taiwan

Sheshan Qixia Temple, China

Sheshan Qixia Temple, China

Tiantong Temple, China

Lamphun Temple, Thailand

Wat Phanan Choeng Temple, Thailand

Ayutthaya Temple, Thailand

Bedsa Cave, India

Manmondi Cave, India

Lenyadri Cave, India


Vertical panoramas, also known as "vertorama".

Mapping long thin images into higher dimensions

Filling in the sky on drone generated equirectangular panoramas

Footage captured for the 50 year anniversary at EPFL, Switzerland. April 2019.

Inverse panoramas, also known as object panoramas.

Mirror effects for 360 viewing

"Little Planet" photography from the University of Western Australia campus.

Workflow for creating seamless, tripod artefact free spherical panoramas

Exercise to convert images from a 4 fisheye camera rig to equirectangular.

Chronopanorama, previously known as Time Lapse Panoramas.

Replacing a rooms floor in an equirectangular projection.

Advanced Applications in Stereographic, Panoramic, and Fulldome Visualisation. ISVRI (International Symposium on VR innovation), Singapore. March 2011.

Photographic contribution to exhibition in Hong Kong.

To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target. Ashleigh Brilliant.


Reverse mapping VR display projections

Cylindrical display in Yagan Square, Perth.

Framing of 360 video for the iDome, Epicylinder and AVIE displays

Image warping for projection onto a cylinder

An interactive tool for evaluating projection options onto cylindrical displays

High resolution omnidirectional stereo panorama imaging and tiled displays

ASKAP exhibition by SPICE. Panoramic and interactive digital exhibits. 2008.

Murten Panorama

... it is not that those ancient people told literal stories we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but that they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally. John Crossan.


GoPro MAX 360 Action Cam movie layout/format. Including a utility for converting to equirectangular..

Converting dual fisheye images into a spherical (equirectangular) projection.

Whirling dervishes, Istanbul

Creating unwrapped icosahedral and dodecahredral maps
Equirectangular to perspective projection. Also includes the reverse, mapping a perspective image into an equirectangular.
Equirectangular to fisheye projection
Equirectangular to cylindrical panorama projection. Also, mapping a perspective view into a cylindrical panorama.
Cylindrical panorama to equirectangular projection
Converting to/from cubemaps. Including CubeRender (Historical). A technique for fast 3D viewing from a single view position.

Sheep shearing shed, Adelaide, Australia

Mapping an equirectangular onto another equirectangular, and other projections. Includes Mollweide, Tobler, Aitoff, Hammer, Bottomley, Sinusoidal, Wagner, Werner, Bonne, Eckert IV. Remapping to an equireangular is used, for example, to "level" equirectangular (spherical) images from hand held 360 cameras.

pano_align. A utility and work-flow for aligning film based stereoscopic panoramas.

Convert "Web Mercator" projections to equirectangular.

Creating equirectangular projections using Stellarium.
Creating equirectangular projections using Celestia.
Creating equirectangular projections using GoogleEarth.
Creating equirectangular projection for multipass rendering, eg: Unity3D

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Alan Dundes

Papers, Presentations, WorkshopsGeometry, Surfaces, Curves, PolyhedraFractals, Chaos, Self similarityDomes, Planetariums, Fisheye, Spherical MirrorStereographics, 3D ProjectionPanorama, 360 VideoPhotographic ReconstructionMiscellaneous: Projection, Modelling, RenderingData Formats: 3D, Audio, ImageTexture LibraryFun, Puzzles, Travel
(All pages in one place)

Cultural Big Data: Nineteenth to Twenty-first Century Panoramic VisualizationCortical Development in the Structural Model and Free Energy MinimizationDigitising the Murten Panorama. The story behind the highest resolution scan of an artworkCapturing high resolution stereoscopic panorama images with a single cameraRemoving tourists from photographs by averagingFocus Peaking - An AlgorithmVertical PanoramasSymmetry in ChaosDome Projection and Calibration for Offaxis Fisheye LensesTools for Spherical Mirror Projection

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