Cortical Development in the Structural Model and Free Energy Minimization

Cerebral Cortex, Oxford University Press.
James Wright1, Paul Bourke

(Accepted, In Press)

1 Centre for Brain Research and Department of Psychological Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.


A model of neocortical development invoking Friston’s Free Energy Principle is applied within the Structural Model of Barbas et al. and the associated functional interpretation advanced by Tucker and Luu. Evolution of a neural field with Hebbian and anti-Hebbian plasticity, maximizing synchrony and minimizing axonal length by apoptotic selection, leads to paired connection systems with mirror symmetry, interacting via Markov blankets along their line of reflection. Applied to development along the radial lines of development in the Structural Model, a primary Markov blanket emerges between the centrifugal synaptic flux in layers 2,3 and 5,6, versus the centripetal flow in layer 4, and axonal orientations in layer 4 give rise to the differing shape and movement sensitivities characteristic of neurons of dorsal and ventral neocortex. Prediction error minimization along the primary blanket integrates limbic and subcortical networks with the neocortex. Synaptic flux bypassing the blanket triggers the arousal response to surprising stimuli, enabling subsequent adaptation. As development progresses ubiquitous mirror-systems separated by Markov blankets and enclosed blankets-within-blankets arise throughout neocortex, creating the typical order and response characteristics of columnar and noncolumnar cortex.


free energy principle, predictive coding, Markov blankets, cortical development, structural model