Texture Library
These textures may be
freely used as backgrounds, textures in 3D scenes, parts of images, etc
but they may not be redistributed as (or part of) a texture collection.
The textures are divided into the following categories and an attempt
has been made not to burden any single page with too many images. Be
aware that some textures can be interpreted in a number of ways.
If you find any of these textures useful then why not improve
the collection by contributing some of your own.
In order to submit your textures to this collection, email
myself for further details or simply
attach the texture images in an email.
Note: Not all of these textures tile (at least not automatically).
By clicking on any texture you will be given a page with the texture
as a tiled background image where you can visually inspect the result
of a straightforward tiling. Mirror tiling will need to be arranged
by yourselves, ie: WWW browsers don't yet support it.
Recent contributions have been made by John Young,
Irma Andriani, Ryan Andrews, Lawrence Carstensen, Heidi Ulrich,
John Piercey, Tim Meehan, Hasina Bee, James Carey,
Keith Hilen, "halfcountplus", Stewart Kennedy, Acharya das Hargreaves,
Joseph Grijalva, 'The Ceasar", Bill Egan, "Wolf Coder", Junior Murray,
Galffy Tamas, Rochelle, Fiona Beardsley, Kathleen Marquardt, Salko Safic,
James Shand, Stefan Witte, Nathan Stimmel, Pedro Ciena, Travis Williams,
Jacque Hartig, Viangt from Paris, Leslie Timmy, Patrick Polk,
Jeremy Mikkota, Pam&Ric, Abby Goutal, Karen Fannon, Ran Arad, Benjamin Belau,
Justine Brooks, Raresh Branici, Tim Trepanier, Dewayne Davis,
Sharon Bateman, "Max Bravo", "Otter Pop Junkie", "Danae", Kevin Chapman,
"Nomad", "Agnus", Elizabeth Schwarzenschwert,
Arkadiusz Danilecki, "RLH", Chris Contreras, Tim Goetze, Paul Tentmaker,
Roy Lent, Milosz Dlugosz, Jennifer Trask, Darrell Crossan,
"An Alien", Daryl Schuette, Moritz Grünwald, James Harris, Connye Wolff,
Jasper Springeling, Andre Benaldo Thomas, Ben Arria, Simon Fearby,
Nimrod Gileadi, Nelson Rodrigues, Bernice Campbell, Sylvia Eckermann,
René Amini, Peter van. Voorthuysen, Alex Summerfield, David Batcher,
Eric DeRosia, Jeff Cappleman, J. MacGregor, Dan Wills, Edna Armstrong,
Richard Driscoll, "Migeater", Alejandro Misas, "Nanny, from the Netherlands".
Papers, Presentations, Workshops −
Geometry, Surfaces, Curves, Polyhedra −
Fractals, Chaos, Self similarity −
Domes, Planetariums, Fisheye, Spherical Mirror −
Stereographics, 3D Projection −
Panorama, 360 Video −
Photographic Reconstruction −
Miscellaneous: Projection, Modelling, Rendering −
Data Formats: 3D, Audio, Image −
Texture Library −
Fun, Puzzles, Travel
(All pages in one place)
Digitising the Murten Panorama. The story behind the highest resolution
scan of an artwork. −
Markov Blankets and Mirror Symmetries.... −
Vertical Panoramas −
Symmetry in Chaos −
Dome Projection and Calibration for Offaxis Fisheye Lenses −
Tools for Spherical Mirror Projection
The contents of this web site are © Copyright Paul Bourke or
a third party contributor where indicated.
You may print or save an electronic copy of parts of this web site for personal use,
permission must be sought for any other use.