Reducing ACL injury risk by standing still with zero impact perceptual (ZIP) training!

Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport
December 2014 Volume 18, Supplement 1, Page e132
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2014.11.116

S. Tidman, A. Brierty, P. Bourke, B. Lay, J. Alderson.
University of Western Australia, Australia


Physical workload management is a major consideration of elite level coaching. Regrettably this paradigm limits the time a coach has to improve player performance and there is a need to develop training methods which have minimal impact on an athlete's workload. This study aimed to assess a novel zero impact perceptual (ZIP) training program's effectiveness in reducing biomechanical factors associated anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury during an evasive sidestepping (ES) task.