// Enclosing UNION to allow for easy transformation of the scene union { // The floor plane { y, -2 } // The light in the doorway light_source { <0,2,7>, rgb 1 } // Left side doorway box { 8*z-2, <-3,3,9> } // Right side doorway box { <2,-2,6>, <3,3,9> } // Set to a lower number, this moves the bars to the right #local i = -2.6; // looping to create the bars #while ( i < 2 ) // UNION this for easy translation union { // the vertical bars box { <.2,-1,.1>, y } // the horizontal bar box { (z-y)*.1, x } // here we use the iterator translate } // Iterate for the next bar #declare i = i + 1; // End loop #end // Set the color this high, instead of making a seperate DIFFUSE statement pigment { rgb 1.5 } // An AMBIENT raises the brightness and lowers the contrast. Both bad things finish{ambient 0} // The stone look to the scene normal { bumps scale .02 } // rotate the scene so there's no need for a CAMERA{LOOK_AT <>) rotate -39*x // End of the scene UNION }