// Megapov version by Angelo "KeN" Pesce 2001 // STANDARD MENGER SPONGE -- MEDIA VERSION -- SLOOW #version unofficial MegaPov 0.5; global_settings { assumed_gamma 2 radiosity { pretrace_start 0.0025 pretrace_end 0.0025 count 128 nearest_count 8 error_bound 1 recursion_limit 3 low_error_factor .5 gray_threshold 0.0 minimum_reuse 0.015 brightness 1 adc_bailout 0.01/2 } reflection_samples 16 } /* // With media this is *REALLY* slow // How I can cast lightvolume in empty areas too??? media { scattering { 2, color rgb<0.2,0.2,0.2> extinction 0 } samples 1,8 intervals 32 } */ background { color red 0 green 0 blue 0 } camera { location <1,1.5,0.7> look_at <0,0,0> } /* camera { location <0,0,0> look_at <1,0,0> spherical_camera normal {bumps 0.5} // weird } */ light_source { <4, 6, -7> color red 0.1 green 0.7 blue 0.8 circular orient area_light <0.8,0,0>,<0,0.8,0>,4,4 adaptive 1 jitter media_interaction off } // Define "parameters" for the Menger sponge "function" #declare SpongeCen = <0,0,0>; #declare SpongeRad = 4.5 / 4.0; // Determined by XYZ->RGB mapping in sponge.inc #declare SpongeLevel = 4; // Controls recursion depth, & hence sponge complexity #declare SpongeCounter = 0; // Make top-level "call" to recursive sponge generator #declare RND1 = seed(0); #include "mp_sponge2.inc" #debug concat("\nRendering sponge with ", str(SpongeCounter,1,0), " primitives...\n")