Volume visualisation under the Dome

Played daily during 2009 at the Horizon planetarium, Perth.

A shortened version submitted to the ASTC (Association of Science Technology Centers) conference in 2009. Program_09.pdf.

February 2009

Volume visualisation / animation: Ajay Limaye (VizLab, Australian National University).
Datasets: Tim Senden (Australian National University)
Music: Alexander Mitchell (CompanyOf)
Fisheye rendering and post production: Paul Bourke (WASP, University of Western Australia)
Special thanks to:
- Dr Erich Fitzgerald, Museum Victoria / The Smithsonian
- Dr John Long, Museum Victoria
- Dr Steve Jones, Sirtex Pty Ltd.

Length: 8 min 20 sec
Frames: Fisheye projections, 3600 x 3600 pixels at 30 fps.
Rendering: Drishti and custom in-house fisheye stitching tools.

MP4 download: Volvis.mp4

Sample frames

Terror Ant. Myrmecia Sp. Jack Jumper, Bull Ant. Size: 25mm in length. Data: CT (Computed Tomography)

Ear bone of a fossil whale. Size: 5mm across. Mammalodon colliveri periotic from Torquay, Vic.
Cochlear and semicircular channels. 25 million years old. Museum Victoria specimen.

Rabbit Liver. Size: 50mm across. A model for liver cancer research.
Computer tomography used to improve therapy.

Mt Gambier limestone. Size: 5mm core. A graveyard of fossil marine organisms.

Reticulite (Rock). Size: 5mm across. A rare form of foamed lava found only in Hawaii.

Gogonasus skull (fossil fish). Size: 30mm wide. One of the earliest known air breathing fish.
Gogonasus andrewsae from Gogo, West Kimberleys. 380 million years old. Museum Victoria specimen.