OLD Spatial Data Modelling LanguageThe SDML is currently only an extension of our common file format (documentation coming online soon). This format is very simple text which provides for easy parsing and support for attribute information which is becoming more and more critical to analytic work (but generally unsupported in the general sense with most viewing/rendering systems today!). This makes the SDML suitable for CAD and GIS sources with and without attribute data. We do not intend this to be the end-all of spatial description languages but it works well for a wide variety of Landscape Planning, Design, and Architectural databases. The CLRview software provides translators from many GIS and CAD sources into the basic SDML format. Currently URL extensions must be added manually but the attribute mechanisms in the next CLRview release will directly support them. Sample:/* Created by: CLRview v1.50 /* Created on: July 5, 1994 /* any comments can be included on lines beginning with '/*' title This is the Document Title col 1 1 1 /* col is the specifier for COLOUR, as red green and blue, each with /* values between 0.0 and 1.0 (1 1 1 is white, 0 0 0 is black) url http://xxx /* url is the specifier for the URL that the NEXT (and ONLY NEXT) /* polygon will be able to activate. You MUST include it BEFORE /* each poly definition in a complex object poly /* poly indicates the start of a polygon description /* it will inherit all of the specs laid out before it (col, url) /* v indicates a vertex with the X, Y, and Z coming afterwards v -1 -1 0 v -1 1 0 v 1 1 0 v 1 -1 0 eye 480.51 212.106 131.7 383.48 212.106 107.508 /* the starting viewer and lookat position vx,vy,vz and lx,ly,lz /* these numbers are in whatever units the model is in NEW ADDITIONS FROM v1.00a2 /* sets the starting display setting for this model display off display wire display solid display outline /* sets the starting clipping planes for this model /* these numbers are in whatever units the model is in clip near 1.0 clip far 5000.0 /* sets the starting movement increments for this model /* when you move or turn around /* these numbers are in whatever units the model is in /* horizontal - forwards, backwards, left, right speed horiz 10.0 /* vertical - up, down speed vert 5.0 /* rotation - turn left, turn right speed rot 5.0 /* tilt - tilt up, tilt down speed tilt 2.0 NEW ADDITIONS FROM v1.00a3 /* Field-of-view Cone angle fov 60.0 NOTES from CLR File Formats on the more extended format, NOT currently supported by CLRMosaic but it will be in the future. This includes arbitrary attribute data as defined and used in CLRview and PolyTRIM software.
Raw polygon format consists of a descriptor for each polygonal surface and an optional colour specification for it. A sample polygon file would look like this: |