PLG, FIG, WLD File FormatsOriginal by Bernie RoehlEdited by Paul BourkeOctober 1994
PLG FormatI originally designed PLG files for use with REND386; for better or worse, they seem to have become something of a standard. REND386, AVRIL, VR386 and Jon Blossom's Gossamer all use them for object geometry description; there are also translators that turn other formats into PLG, and the NorthCAD-3D program can generate PLG files as output. The PLG in the name stands for "polygon". There will soon be a file format for the interchange of virtual objects and virtual worlds between VR systems; at that point, support for the PLG file format will diminish. Conversion programs will be made available to convert PLG files to the new format. A PLG file basically has three parts: a header line, a list of vertices and a list of facets. The header line has the object name, the number of vertices, and the number of facets; for example: kitchen_table 100 35 which would mean that the object "kitchen_table" has 100 vertices and 35 facets. Anything after the facet count should be ignored, since it may be used for future expansion. Following this line are the vertices, one x,y,z triplet per line (each value is a floating-point number, and they're separated by spaces). For example: 18027 23025 98703 Only the first three values on the line should be used; anything following these values should be ignored. This allows future support for such things as vertex normals. This is followed by the facet information, one line per facet; each of these lines is of the form surfacedesc n v1 v2 v3 ... The surfacedesc is described below. The n is the number of vertices in the facet. The v1, v2, v3 and so on are indices into the array of vertices; the vertices are listed in a counter- clockwise order as seen from the "front" (i.e. visible side) of the facet. Note that the vertices are counted "origin zero", i.e. the first vertex is vertex number 0, not vertex number 1. For example: 0x8002 4 8 27 5 12 would mean a four-sided facet bounded by vertices 8, 27, 5 and 12. This facet has a surface descriptor of 0x8002. Anything after the list of vertex indices should be ignored. The PLG format supports comments. Anything after a # should be ignored by any program that parses PLG files. In addition, lines beginning with a '*' should be ignored. PLG files can have multiple copies of an object at different resolutions. PLG files containing such multiple-resolution versions of objects must have "#MULTI" as their first line. For each object defined in such a file, the object name includes a number specifying the pixel size of the object on the screen. The object names for each representation must be name_#### where #### is the smallest pixel width to use this representation for. For example, TABLE_15 would be a valid name. If the smallest rep size is zero, then that represenation will be used no matter how small the object gets. If the smallest rep size is 1 or greater, then the object will vanish if it gets too small. The surface descriptor can either be a decimal integer or a 0x or 0X followed by a hexadecimal integer value. The surface descriptor is a 16-bit value which is interpreted as follows: H R SS CCCC BBBBBBBB The R bit is reserved, and should be set to zero. If the H bit is set, it indicates that this is a "mapped" surface descriptor; the bottom 14 bits are taken to be an index into a surface map. If the H bit is clear, the SS bits are interpreted as follows: 00 -- This facet is "solid shaded"; i.e. it should be drawn in a fixed color, with no special effects. If the CCCC bits are zero, then the BBBBBBBB bits directly specify one of the 256 available colors; if the CCCC bits are non-zero, then they specify one of sixteen hues and the top four bits of BBBBBBBB specify which shade of that hue to use. 01 -- This facet is "flat shaded"; i.e. it should be drawn with a constant shading that is determined by the angle at which light is striking it; thus, as the facet moves around, its apparent brightness will change. The CCCC bits specify one of sixteen hues, and the bottom 8 bits BBBBBBBB represent the "brightness" of the color. This brightness value is multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the facet's normal vector and the vector from the facet to the light source; the result is used to specify an offset into the given color's array of shades. Note that if the CCCC value is 0, the color will always be black. 10 -- This facet should be treated as being "metallic"; the CCCC bits (which should be non-zero) specify one of the 16 hues, and the top 5 bits of the BBBBBBBB value are used as an offset into a range of shades to cycle through to give the metallic effect, i.e. a starting offset into the color cycle. 11 -- This facet should be treated as being "transparent"; it is just like surface type 10, except that alternating rows of dots are used instead of solid colors, allowing you to "see through" the facet. ![]() Palette of first 256 indices FIG FormatFIG files are a way of representing multi-segmented, hierarchical entities. This format will soon be considered obsolete. There will soon be a file format for the interchange of virtual objects and virtual worlds between VR systems; at that point, support for the FIG file format will diminish. Conversion programs will be made available to convert FIG files to the new format. The syntax of a figure file is simple, and very C-like. It consists of a series of segments, each of which can possess a set of attributes, as well as child segments. Each segment is bounded by braces. Attributes are arbitrary text strings ending in a semicolon. The list of possible attributes is open-ended and extensible; programs that read figure files should ignore any attributes they don't recognize. An example will make all this clearer. comment = a human body; name = pelvis; comment = this is the name of the root segment; { name = chest; { name = left upper arm; { name = left lower arm; } } { name = right upper arm; { name = right lower arm; } } { name = head; } } { name = left upper leg; { name = right lower leg; } } { name = right upper leg; { name = right lower leg; } } } } In general, attributes are of the form "keyword = value;", though this is not a requirement. The attributes used above are name and comment. Note that no program ever has to recognize a comment attribute, since by defintion comments should be ignored. The attributes currently defined are as follows: name = somestring; pos = x,y,z; rot = x,y,z; plgfile = filename scale x,y,z shift X,Y,Z sort type map filename; segnum = someinteger; The pos is the x,y,z displacement of the origin of this segment relative to the parent's coordinate system. The rot is the rotation of this segment relative to the parent. For root objects (which have no parent) these values are the absolute location and rotation of the entire figure in world coordinates. The plgfile gives the name of a .plg file containing a geometric representation of the segment. Note that the figure file format does not strictly depend on .plg files; the reason the syntax is "plgfile = " rather than just "file =" is because a segment may have a large number of different representations and an application can choose whichever one they like. The scale, shift, sort and map values are all optional, but in order to specify any of them you must specify all the preceeding ones (i.e. you cannot simply omit the scale parameter). The scale values represent the amount by which the object should be scaled along each of its axes when it's loaded. The shift value is the amount by which to shift the object's origin at load time. The sort value is the type of depth-sorting to use for this segment's representation (the default is zero). The map value is the name of a file containing a list of unsigned values that are to be used in surface remapping for this segment. If the top bit of a color value is set in a plg file, the bottom fourteen bits are used as an index into this map. The difference between shift and pos is important. The shift value is used to shift an object relative to its "native" origin, while the pos value is the amount by which the new origin should be displaced from the parent node's origin. For example, suppose you want to represent the head of a human figure with a cube. The cube may, in the .plg file, be defined with its (0,0,0) point at one corner. Clearly, this origin is inconvenient for the head, since if the origin is centered over the neck of the figure then the head will be displaced to one side. Alternatively, the cube might be defined with its (0,0,0) point at its geometric center. However, this is also impractical; your head should not rotate freely about its center. If it does, stop reading this document immediately and seek medical attention. What you to do is shift the cube so that its origin lies below the center of the cube, where your "neck joint" is. That's what the shift value in the plgfile attribute specifies. Important note: objects rotate about their [0,0,0] point as loaded. The pos attribute specifies where this neck joint is in relation to the origin of the chest segment. If your chest were longer vertically, then the pos attribute of the head segment should be increased in the Y direction (for example). The segnum attribute associates a simple integer value with a segment, which can subsequently be used to refer to the segment when manipulating it. Note that a figure file can in fact contain a series of segments; each of these is a root segment, so a figure file can in effect store a complete scene description (excluding lights and cameras). WLD FormatWLD files were designed to store information about the layout of objects in a virtual world. This format will soon be considered obsolete. There will soon be a file format for the interchange of virtual objects and virtual worlds between VR systems; at that point, support for the WLD file format will diminish. Conversion programs will be made available to convert WLD files to the new format. A WLD file is entirely ascii. Each statement is one line; anything after the first '#' is treated as a comment and ignored. Blank lines are also ignored. The format is intended to be highly extensible; any line which cannot be recognized should simply be ignored. Each statement contains some information about the scene; the possible types of statements are listed below. Everything is case-insensitive; keywords are shown below in uppercase, but are generally entered in lowercase. LOADPATH path Specifies a path prefix for loading files. Any files (whether specified in the world file itself, subsequent world files, or in referenced FIG files) will be loaded from the specified directory. However, if a filename begins with the '\' or '/' characters, it is used verbatim (i.e. the LOADPATH setting is ignored). PALETTE filename Loads a 256-entry binary palette file (3 bytes (R,G,B) for each entry). Note that alternate palettes may not handle shading as well as the default one does. SKYCOLOR index Specifies which of the 256 available colors should be used for the "sky". GROUNDCOLOR index Specifies which of the 256 available colors should be used for the "ground". If the sky and ground color are identical, a solid screen clear is used; this is a bit faster. SCREENCLEAR value If the specified value is non-zero, then the screen will be cleared before each frame; if it's zero, the screen clearing is not done (this is useful if you know that the entire window will be covered by the image, and that no background will show through; in such a situation, specifying this option will improve performance). AMBIENT value Specifies the level of the ambient light; 76 is the default, and a good value to use. LIGHT x,y,z Specifies the location of a light source in world coordinates. CAMERA x,y,z tilt,pan,roll zoom Specifies your starting location, viewing direction and zoom factor. The x,y,z values are floating-point numbers giving coordinates, the tilt,pan,roll values are floating-point angles, and the zoom is a floating-point number giving the zoom factor. HITHER value Specifies the near clipping distance in world coordinates. The value should typically be 10 or more. YON value Specifies the far clipping distance in world coordinates. The value should typically be 1000000 or more. OBJECT [objname=]filename sx,sy,sz rx,ry,rz tx,ty,tz depthtype mappings parent Loads an object from a .plg file with the given filename. If the objname= is present, it assigns the newly-loaded object that name for future reference. The sx,sy,sz values are floating-point scale factors to increase or decrease the size of the object as it's loaded. The rx,ry,rz values are the angles to rotate the object around in each of the three axes; ry is done first, then rx and finally rz. The tx,ty,tz values translate (move) the object to a new location; this is done after the scaling and rotation. The depthtype field is not currently used. The mappings feature is explained below. The parent field is the name of the object that this object is a child of; if omitted, the child moves independently. If parent is the word "fixed", then the object is fixed in space and cannot be moved. All fields are optional, but you must include all the fields prior to the last one you wish to use (i.e. you can only leave things off the end, not off the beginning or out of the middle). FIGURE [figname=]filename sx,sy,sz rx,ry,rz tx,ty,tz parent Loads a segmented figure from a FIG file with the given filename. All the parameters have the same meaning as for the OBJECT statement described above. POLYOBJ npts surface x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2 [...] x8,y8,z8 Directly specifies a facet to be placed in the scene. The value npts is the number of points (maximum 8), the surface is a surface name (see below on surfaces) and the vertices are given in world coordinates. POLYOBJ2 npts surface1,surface2 x1,y1,z1 x2,y2,z2 [...] x8,y8,z8 Directly specifies a double-sided facet to be placed in the scene. The value npts is the number of points (maximum 8), surface1 and surface2 are surface names (see below on surfaces) and the vertices are given in world coordinates. INCLUDE filename Includes the specified file as if its contents appeared at the current point in the current file. POSITION objname x,y,z Moves (i.e. translates) the specified object to the given x,y,z location. ROTATE objname rx,ry,rz Rotates the specified object to the given angles about each of the axes. The angles are specified in floating point, and are measured in degrees. The rotation order is Y then X then Z. VERSION number Allows you to define a version number. Not currently used for anything; can be omitted. TITLE text Allows you to define a title for your world. About Mapping A PLG file can contain indexed color values (such as 0x8002) which are used to index a surface map. Entries in surface maps refer to surfaces. Surfaces are created using the SURFACEDEF statement, surface maps are created with the SURFACEMAP statement, and entries are placed in them with the SURFACE statement. The statement formats are as follows: SURFACEDEF name value Defines a new surface; maps a surface name (such as "wood") to a numeric surface descriptor (value) of the type described in Appendix C. SURFACEMAP name maxentries Marks the start of a new surface map. All subsequent SURFACE entries will be placed in this map. The maxentries field gives the maximum number of entries this surface map will have; if omitted, it defaults to 10. SURFACE index name Defines an entry in the current surface map, which takes an index value (the bottom 15 bits of the value in the .plg file) and maps it into a surface name (which is in turn mapped to a 16-bit color value). USEMAP mapname Causes all subsequently loaded objects that don't have a mapname on their OBJECT statements to use the specified mapname. |