10, 'x_min' => -3 * pi(), 'x_range' => 6 * pi(), 'y_min' => -3 * pi(), 'y_range' => 6 * pi(), 'string' => 'f = X.(sin(X) + sin(Y))', 'eval' => '$val = $x_val * (sin($x_val) + sin($y_val));'); // ------------------------------------------------ $examples[] = array('nc' => 10, 'x_min' => -1 * pi(), 'x_range' => 4 * pi(), 'y_min' => -2 * pi(), 'y_range' => 4 * pi(), 'string' => 'f = sin((X^2 + Y^2)^0.5)', 'eval' => '$val = sin(pow($x_val*$x_val + $y_val*$y_val,0.5));'); // ------------------------------------------------ $examples[] = array('nc' => 15, 'x_min' => -5, 'x_range' => 15, 'y_min' => -2 * pi(), 'y_range' => 4 * pi(), 'string' => 'f = ContouringPaper[Figure18.6]', 'eval' => '$val = sin(pow($x_val*$x_val + $y_val*$y_val,0.5)) + (1 / (pow(pow($x_val - 5,2) + $y_val*$y_val,0.5)));'); // ------------------------------------------------ $examples[] = array('nc' => 6, 'x_min' => 0, 'x_range' => 10, 'y_min' => 0, 'y_range' => 10, 'string' => 'f = random(0,100)', 'eval' => '$val = rand(0,100);'); // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ $N = 100; $img_size = 900; // The pixel size of the outputted image: be aware of reduced contour quality due to oversampling, keep $N <= ($img_size / 3) // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ foreach($examples as $ex) { $d = array(); $x = array(); $y = array(); $x_min = $ex['x_min']; $y_min = $ex['y_min']; $x_range = $ex['x_range']; $y_range = $ex['y_range']; // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // Create the sampled data based on the function chosen for($i = 0;$i < $N;$i++) { for($j = 0;$j < $N ;$j++) { // x $x_val = $x_min + ($x_range * $i / ($N - 1)); // y $y_val = $y_min + ($y_range * $j / ($N - 1)); // val (from eval) $val = 0; eval($ex['eval']); $error = error_get_last(); print_r($error); // Null or NaN check (crude!) if (!$val) { $val = 0; } $x[$i] = $x_val; $y[$j] = $y_val; $d[$i][$j] = $val; } } // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // INVOKE CONREC // ------------------------------------------------ $contours = CONREC_contour($d,$x,$y,$ex['nc']); // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // Create output image using GD // ------------------------------------------------ if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor')) { die('Fatal error: no GD module support. Please enable this in php.ini to use this script.'); } $img = imagecreatetruecolor($img_size,$img_size); $white = imagecolorallocate($img,255,255,255); $black = imagecolorallocate($img,0,0,0); imagefilledrectangle($img,0,0,$img_size,$img_size,$white); // ------------------------------------------------ $num_contours = count($contours); $R_base = rand(0,255); $G_base = rand(0,255); $B_base = rand(0,255); foreach($contours as $index=>$c) { // make a colour $R = $R_base + ((255 - $R_base) * ($index / $num_contours)); $G = $G_base * ($index / $num_contours); $B = $B_base - ($B_base * ($index / $num_contours)); $this_contour = imagecolorallocate($img,$R,$G,$B); // --- foreach($c['segments'] as $sgm) { // Convert X and Y to pixels $x1 = (($sgm['x1'] - $x_min) / $x_range) * $img_size; $x2 = (($sgm['x2'] - $x_min) / $x_range) * $img_size; $y1 = $img_size - (($sgm['y1'] - $y_min) / $y_range) * $img_size; $y2 = $img_size - (($sgm['y2'] - $y_min) / $y_range) * $img_size; imageline($img,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$this_contour); } // --- imagefilledrectangle($img,0,($index + 1) * 20,20,($index+2)*20,$this_contour); imagerectangle($img,0,($index + 1)*20,20,($index + 2)*20,$black); imagestring($img,2,25,(($index + 1) * 20)+3,round($c['value'],3),$black); } // ------------------------------------------------ // Label the function imagefilledrectangle($img,0,0,300,19,$white); imagestring($img,2,3,3,$ex['string'],$black); // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // Output PNG file to browser // ------------------------------------------------ ob_start(); imagepng($img); $image_data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); imagedestroy($img); // Base64 encode (for embedded URI scheme) $image_data = base64_encode($image_data); print('
'); print('


'); print(''); print('

X Axis: '.round($x_min,3).' to '.round($x_min + $x_range,3).', Y Axis: '.round($y_min,3).' to '.round($y_min + $y_range,3).'

'); // ------------------------------------------------ } // end of major example loop ?>

End of CONREC demonstrations.


The library code is shown below.


Test PHP File (This File)

The test generation code (this file) is shown below.
