program demo implicit none c c The follwoing is a simplistic application of the CONREC routine. c A mathematical function is evaluated over a regular grid of points c on a computer raster graphics screen. c c Paul D. Bourke c integer*4 pxmin,pymin,pxmax,pymax parameter (pxmin = 10,pymin = 10,pxmax = 460,pymax = 300) integer*4 nx,ny parameter (nx = 100,ny = 50) integer*4 nc parameter (nc = 10) c real*4 d(0:nx,0:ny),x(0:nx),y(0:ny),z(1:nc) real*4 x1,y1,x2,y2 real*4 zmax,zmin integer*4 i,j c c Create an artificial data surface and calculate the c surface bounds for choosing the contour levels. c zmin = 1.0e30 zmax = -1.0e30 do 200 i=0,nx do 100 j=0,ny d(i,j) = i * j zmin = min(zmin,d(i,j)) zmax = max(zmax,d(i,j)) 100 continue 200 continue c c Set coordinates in Y array suitable for c automatic plotting on the graphics screen c do 300 j=0,ny y(j) = pymax - j * (pymax - pymin) / float(ny) 300 continue c c Set coordinates in X array suitable for c automatic plotting on the graphics screen c do 400 i=0,nx x(i) = i * (pxmax - pxmin) / float(nx) + pxmin 400 continue c c Set a full contingent of contour levels c do 500 i=1,nc z(i) = i * (zmax - zmin) / (nc + 1) 500 continue c c Draw a border around the contour plot c x1 = pxmin y1 = pymin x2 = pxmax y2 = pymax call vecout(x1,y1,x1,y2,0.0) call vecout(x1,y2,x2,y2,0.0) call vecout(x2,y2,x2,y1,0.0) call vecout(x2,y1,x1,y1,0.0) c c Call the contouring routine c call conrec(d,0,nx,0,ny,x,y,nc,z) pause c end c c====================================================================== c c CONREC is a contouring subroutine for rectangularily spaced data. c c It emits calls to a line drawing subroutine supplied by the user c which draws a contour map corresponding to real*4data on a randomly c spaced rectangular grid. The coordinates emitted are in the same c units given in the x() and y() arrays. c c Any number of contour levels may be specified but they must be c in order of increasing value. c c subroutine conrec(d,ilb,iub,jlb,jub,x,y,nc,z) c real*4 d(ilb:iub,jlb:jub) ! matrix of data to contour c integer ilb,iub,jlb,jub ! index bounds of data matrix c real*4 x(ilb:iub) ! data matrix column coordinates c real*4 y(jlb,jub) ! data matrix row coordinates c integer nc ! number of contour levels c real*4 z(1:nc) ! contour levels in increasing order c subroutine conrec(d,ilb,iub,jlb,jub,x,y,nc,z) real*4 d(ilb:iub,jlb:jub) integer ilb,iub,jlb,jub real*4 x(ilb:iub) real*4 y(jlb:jub) integer nc real*4 z(1:nc) c c Local declarations c real*4 h(0:4) integer sh(0:4) real*4 xh(0:4),yh(0:4) integer im(1:4),jm(1:4) integer case integer castab(-1:1,-1:1,-1:1) integer p1,p2 c c Data c data im/0,1,1,0/ data jm/0,0,1,1/ data castab/0,0,9, 0,1,5, 7,4,8, 1 0,3,6, 2,3,2, 6,3,0, 2 8,4,7, 5,1,0, 9,0,0/ c c Use statement functions for the line intersections c xsect(p1,p2) = (h(p2)*xh(p1)-h(p1)*xh(p2))/(h(p2)-h(p1)) ysect(p1,p2) = (h(p2)*yh(p1)-h(p1)*yh(p2))/(h(p2)-h(p1)) c c Scan the arrays, top down, left to right within rows c 20 do 100 j=jub-1,jlb,-1 do 90 i=ilb,iub-1 dmin = min(d(i,j),d(i,j+1),d(i+1,j),d(i+1,j+1)) dmax = max(d(i,j),d(i,j+1),d(i+1,j),d(i+1,j+1)) if ( .and. dmin.le.z(nc)) then do 80 k=1,nc if (z(k).ge.dmin .and. z(k).le.dmax) then do 22 m=4,0,-1 if ( then h(m)=d(i+im(m),j+jm(m))-z(k) xh(m)=x(i+im(m)) yh(m)=y(j+jm(m)) else h(0)=0.25*(h(1)+h(2)+h(3)+h(4)) xh(0)=0.5*(x(i)+x(i+1)) yh(0)=0.5*(y(j)+y(j+1)) endif if (h(m).gt.0.0) then sh(m)=+1 else if (h(m).lt.0.0) then sh(m)=-1 else sh(m)=0 endif 22 continue c c Note: at this stage the relative heights of the corners and the c centre are in the h array, and the corresponding coordinates are c in the xh and yh arrays. The centre of the box is indexed by 0 c and the 4 corners by 1 to 4 as shown below. c Each triangle is then indexed by the parameter m, and the 3 c vertices of each triangle are indexed by parameters m1,m2,and m3. c It is assumed that the centre of the box is always vertex 2 though c this isimportant only when all 3 vertices lie exactly on the same c contour level, in which case only the side of the box is drawn. c c c vertex 4 +-------------------+ vertex 3 c | \ / | c | \ m-3 / | c | \ / | c | \ / | c | m=2 X m=2 | the centre is vertex 0 c | / \ | c | / \ | c | / m=1 \ | c | / \ | c vertex 1 +-------------------+ vertex 2 c c c c Scan each triangle in the box c do 60 m=1,4 m1=m m2=0 if ( then m3=m+1 else m3=1 endif case = castab(sh(m1),sh(m2),sh(m3)) if ( then goto (31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39),case c c Case 1 - Line between vertices 1 and 2 c 31 x1=xh(m1) y1=yh(m1) x2=xh(m2) y2=yh(m2) goto 40 c c Case 2 - Line between vertices 2 and 3 c 32 x1=xh(m2) y1=yh(m2) x2=xh(m3) y2=yh(m3) goto 40 c c Case 3 - Line between vertices 3 and 1 c 33 x1=xh(m3) y1=yh(m3) x2=xh(m1) y2=yh(m1) goto 40 c c Case 4 - Line between vertex 1 and side 2-3 c 34 x1=xh(m1) y1=yh(m1) x2=xsect(m2,m3) y2=ysect(m2,m3) goto 40 c c Case 5 - Line between vertex 2 and side 3-1 c 35 x1=xh(m2) y1=yh(m2) x2=xsect(m3,m1) y2=ysect(m3,m1) goto 40 c c Case 6 - Line between vertex 3 and side 1-2 c 36 x1=xh(m3) y1=yh(m3) x2=xsect(m1,m2) y2=ysect(m1,m2) goto 40 c c Case 7 - Line between sides 1-2 and 2-3 c 37 x1=xsect(m1,m2) y1=ysect(m1,m2) x2=xsect(m2,m3) y2=ysect(m2,m3) goto 40 c c Case 8 - Line between sides 2-3 and 3-1 c 38 x1=xsect(m2,m3) y1=ysect(m2,m3) x2=xsect(m3,m1) y2=ysect(m3,m1) goto 40 c c Case 9 - Line between sides 3-1 and 1-2 c 39 x1=xsect(m3,m1) y1=ysect(m3,m1) x2=xsect(m1,m2) y2=ysect(m1,m2) goto 40 40 call vecout(x1,y1,x2,y2,z(k)) endif 60 continue endif 80 continue endif 90 continue 100 continue return end c c====================================================================== c c This is a sample vector output routine. For a local environment c either replace the VECOUT call in the main line, or better c replace the contents of this subroutine between the *'s shown. c c There is often the requirement to distinguish each contour c line with a different colour or a different line style. This c can be done in many ways using the contour values z for a c particular line segment. c subroutine vecout(x1,y1,x2,y2,z) implicit none real*4 x1,y1,x2,y2,z c c***** Replace from here c c The following should be ignored since it is specific to c the version of FORTRAN running on the Macintosh microcomputer c on which this particular example was written. c INTEGER LINETO PARAMETER (LINETO=Z'89109000') INTEGER MOVETO PARAMETER (MOVETO=Z'89309000') call toolbx(MOVETO,nint(x1),nint(y1)) call toolbx(LINETO,nint(x2),nint(y2)) c c***** To here c return end