// Entry code: iyxhrs // Name : Alex Kluchikov // Frame rate: 25 // http://aklk.com.ua/ // I am surprized -- comma is not needed in macro call. // Space between number and keyword is not required too. // And 'color' keyword can be dropped. // Camera looks at 0 by default. // It makes the code shorter. Good. :) #macro L(a,b) light_source{a b} #end union { L(<20,0,15>red 1) L(<15,13,15>rgb<1,.7>) L(<3,20,15>rgb<.7,1>) L(<-10,17,15>green 1) L(<-19,7,15>rgb<0,1,.7>) L(<-19,-7,15>rgb<0,.7,1>) L(<-10,-17,15>blue 1) L(<3,-20,15>rgb<.7,0,1>) L(<15,-13,15>rgb<1,0,.7>) rotate z*clock*360 } camera { location -30*z angle 80 } sphere { 0,31 texture { finish{phong 0.4 phong_size 60 reflection.95} normal{radial 0.5 frequency 2 sine_wave rotate z*60 rotate y*30 rotate y*clock*360} } scale z*1.4 hollow } global_settings { max_trace_level 20 }