/* * The subject of the image, an open, somewhat frilly, isosurface. */ isosurface{ function { x*y*z + 4*x + 2*y + z } contained_by{ sphere{ 0, 5 } } max_gradient 20 open pigment {rgb 1} } /* * Yes, a waste of bytes, but the camera and the planes (below) need to * intersect at a 45-degree angle, and the rotation is simpler here than there. * * The focal point, 3.5, is an approximation of 5*sin(pi/4); that is, the point * on the isosurface's bounding sphere closest to the camera. */ camera{ location 10 look_at 0 aperture 1 focal_point 3.5 blur_samples 50 } /* * Located at 9, not 10, to save a byte. The double color (2) produces the glare * on the isosurface. */ light_source { 9, 2 } /* * Three reflective planes, nested in a union to apply the reflection and save * bytes. The planes are parallel to the axes and tangent to the isosurface's * bounding sphere, making the isosurface seem much larger. (The actual * 'surface is only the frontmost section with the glare; everything else is * a reflection produced here.) */ union{ plane { x, -5 } plane { y, -5 } plane { z, -5 } finish { reflection 1 } }