default { pigment { bozo } // pigment both for plant and background cube } #macro M(N,R,T,E) // recursive macro generating L-system fractal plant // N-recursion // R-rotate // T-translate // E-special effects - color, and modyfication of shape union { #if (N) // if not reached recursion depth limit M(N-1,0,0,E+y) // near M(N-1,.1,y,E+y+z) // far M(N-1,-1,0,E+x) // left M(N-1,.8,0,E+x) // right #else cone{ 0 .2y+E.2} // leaf, +E is for modyfication of shape #end finish { ambient E/9 } // E also defines colour translate T scale .51 rotate <.1,.3,1>*30*R } #end M(8, 0, z*1.3-.5*y, 0) // start recursion box {-x, 1 finish { reflection 0.9*z } // reflection for generating some hmm see-like-waves // ..effect togeather with bozo pigment (before) }