// ufo2.pov - SCC Entry by Matthew Grove // Short Description // A macro to allow for plenty of fading light sources #macro a(c)light_source{c rgb 1fade_distance 3fade_power 2}#end // Four light sources scattered over the plane a(<3,4,12>)a(y+9*z)a(<-4,5,13>)a(<-1,-2,6>) // A plane tilted towards the camera plane{y-z,-6 // With some crinkles provided by the agate pattern normal{agate.7scale.3} // Some phong highlighting finish{phong.4} // And our colour scheme courtesy of crackle pigment{crackle color_map{[0rgb<.9,.8>][.2rgb<.8,.5>][.6rgb.5][1rgb 1]}}} // What else but fog for some atmosphere... fog{distance 25rgb.5}