// skin.pov - SCC Entry by Matthew Grove // Short Description // A bright fading light source light_source{y+z*4rgb 2fade_distance.9fade_power 2} // Use the internal function for noise #declare g=function{internal(76)} isosurface{ // Grade the noise function with the x/z plane // and some x/y plane too(for some slope towards the camera), // with a threshold of .8 function{g(x,y,z)+y+.8-z/3} // And set some boundaries for the surface contained_by{box{-9*x-2*y-z,9*x+8*y+z*18}} max_gradient 2 // A light texture without as much blue pigment{rgb x+y+z/2} // Some dents to disrupt the lighting normal{dents.8scale.1} // And phong highlighting + iridescence for extra effect finish{irid{.3thickness.1}phong.4} }