//SCC3 entry //A povray logo formed from coloured shiny spheres #macro C(W) (sin(W)+1.7)/2 #end light_source { x, 1 } #local L=text{ttf"povlogo.ttf""P"1,0}; // single loop for X and Y coordinates // X = i-int(i) // Y = int(i)/50 #local i=0; #while(i<50) sphere { trace (L, , z) - <0.3, 0.5, -1> 1/80 pigment { rgb < C(i*6), C(i/2.1), C((i-int(i))*22)> } finish { phong 1 } } // 0.021 ofsets each row by .5 of a sphere 0.02 would be a square grid #local i=i+0.021; #end