Reading Slashdot or perhaps Searchenginelowdown?
Looking for stories on the power of Google? We've been Googleblatted (3rd February 2004) and now Slashdotted (5th February 2004). Just when I thought it was safe to try to look at my own home page, we got struck again, this time by Slashdot. Sure enough, as some suggested they would, Slashdot ran a story about the Google incident and within "minutes" our bandwidth was saturated and the server struggling. Talk about hitting someone when they're down! :-) However this 30K recovery page has been installed before things got too serious, either that or perhaps Slashdot is a clear second to Google (sorry folks, don't punish me for that comment) or perhaps they are more discerning. ![]() [Image used without permission from Slashdot]
It is times like these I wish I didn't hate pay-for-click banner ads and had a few myself. Seriously, I'd be interested in comments on how this can be avoided. For example, is it the responsibility of the person who hosts the pages to protect her/himself? What are the good govenance responsibilities of these large traffic funnelling services? If by some remote chance you are really interested in quaternion Julia fractals, can I suggest you make them yourself using POVRay. |