/* -------------------------- Entry: 0030 WWW: Title: Stack of Julia Sets Author: This is a 3D slice of a the 4D fractal consisting of all (complex,2nd power)Julia sets. It is, variating the constant c in the formula "z(n+1)=z(n)^2+c". In this case c changed from -1.5i to 1.5i, along the imaginary axis. This way, all symmetries of the Julia sets and Mandelbrot set are preserved: rotating 180° around the z-axis and mirroring over the xy-plane while at the same time rotating 90° round the z-axis The version here is the result of a trial-and-error process. Some versions involved witing my own render engine, others pov-ray files with thousands of spheres or a 16GB mesh. The last error versions all used some of pov-ray's build-in support for Julia sets: a stack of cylinders with a julia texture, a stack of intersections between a julia_fractal and a cylinder, and the last version: a stack of isosurfaces, using the julia pattern as a function. ---------------------------*/ #declare Dikte=0.001; #declare Z=-1.5; #while (Z<=1.5) #undef jF1 #declare jF1 = function{pattern{julia <0,Z-Dikte>,16 interior 0,1 exterior 1,1}} isosurface{ function {0.9-jF1(x,y,z)} contained_by{box{<-2,-2,Z-Dikte>,<2,2,Z+Dikte>}} accuracy 0.001 max_gradient 150 texture{pigment{agate scale 0.2 color_map{[0.0 rgb<1,1,1>][1.0 rgb<0.7,0.7,0.7>]}} finish{ambient 0.5}} } #declare Z = Z+2*Dikte; #end camera{location<-2,-3,5> look_at <0,0,0>sky z} light_source{<-10,-10,100>,rgb<1,1,1>}