/* -------------------------- Entry: 0016 WWW: http:// Title: Six Tangent Reflecting Spheres Author: Dave Matthews See the comments about "Eight Tangent Reflecting Spheres." This is similar, but the spheres are arranged at the vertices of an octahedron, rather than a cube, so that each sphere has 4 neighbors, generating the 4-way patterns. This is a zoom on a portion of the image, rather than the full image. I like the finish better in this entry. ---------------------------*/ #version 3.5; global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 ambient_light 0 max_trace_level 12 adc_bailout .01} camera { angle 20.4 location <0, 0 ,0> up y right x*image_width/image_height look_at <0, -1, 0.35> } light_source { 0 color rgb 1 } #macro Mirror_Finish(D,V1,V2,B) finish {diffuse D reflection {V1, V2} brilliance B} #end #declare OctaSpheres = union { sphere { <0, 0, 0> 1 Mirror_Finish(0, 1, 0.8, 0) translate <1, 0, -1> no_image} sphere { <0, 0, 0> 1 Mirror_Finish(0, 1, 0.8, 0) translate <-1, 0, -1> no_image} sphere { <0, 0, 0> 1 Mirror_Finish(0, 1, 0.8, 0) translate <1, 0, 1> no_image} sphere { <0, 0, 0> 1 Mirror_Finish(0, 1, 0.8, 0) translate <-1, 0, 1> no_image} sphere { <0, 0, 0> 1 Mirror_Finish(0, 1, 0.8, 0) translate <0, sqrt(2), 0> no_image} sphere { <0, 0, 0> 1 Mirror_Finish(0, 1, 0.8, 0) translate <0, -sqrt(2), 0> } }; #declare Octahedron = union { plane { <0, 1, sqrt(2)>, -20 pigment { color rgb <0.65, 0.3, 0.1> }Mirror_Finish (0.5,0,1, 5) no_image } plane { <0, 1, sqrt(2)>, 20 pigment { color rgb <0.65, 0.3, 0.1> } Mirror_Finish (1,1,0, 5) no_image } plane { , -20 pigment { color rgb <0.1, 0.65, 0.3> } Mirror_Finish (0.5,0,1, 5) no_image } plane { , 20 pigment { color rgb <0.1, 0.65, 0.3> } Mirror_Finish (1,1,0, 5) no_image } plane { <0, 1, -sqrt(2)>, -20 pigment { color rgb <0.65, 0.3, 0.1> }Mirror_Finish (0.5,0,1, 5) no_image } plane { <0, 1, -sqrt(2)>, 20 pigment { color rgb <0.65, 0.3, 0.1> } Mirror_Finish (1,1,0, 5) no_image } plane { <-sqrt(2),1,0>, -20 pigment { color rgb <0.1, 0.65, 0.3> } Mirror_Finish (0.5,0,1, 5) no_image } plane { <-sqrt(2),1,0>, 20 pigment { color rgb <0.1, 0.65, 0.3> } Mirror_Finish (1,1,0, 5) no_image } } object {Octahedron rotate <0, 45, 0> } object {OctaSpheres no_shadow}