vox file format

Written by Paul Bourke
November 2022


vox files are a voxel based file description used to represent assets for 3D games and virtual environments. The layout is similar to tiff files, that is, a series of tags that contain data but also information about their length so tags that are not of interest can be skipped. It also means that particular software products can create their own tags for internal use without breaking other software that reads vox files.


The header of a vox file consists of a 4 byte magic string "VOX ". This is followed by a int (4 bytes) version number, typically 150 or 200.

Chunk structure

The remaining file consists of chunks. A chunk consists of 5 parts.

  • The chunk tag name, a 4 byte human readable character sequence.

  • An integer indicating the number of bytes in the chunk data.

  • An integer indicating the number of bytes in the children chunks.

  • The chunk data.

  • The children chunks.

Chunk tags (well understood)

MAINThe top level chunk, the parent chunk.
The chunk data size should be 0 and the size of of the children chunks should be the length of the remaining file.
PACKThe number of models in the file.
The data for this chunk is an integer indicating the number of XYZI tags.
SIZEThe dimensions of the XYZI data that follows.
The data consists of 3 integers giving the dimensions on the x,y, and z axis.
XYZIThis contains actual voxel data.
The data consists of an integer giving the number of voxels (N).
Following that are 4*N bytes containing the voxel coordinates and colour index.
Each voxel coordinate and the colour index is a single unsigned byte. As such, a single XYZI data chunk can only span 256 units and all colours are limited to a 256 (actually 255) colour lookup palette.
RGBAA colour palette.
The data consists of 256 palette entries, each is r,g,b,a representad as an unsigned byte.
As such, the chunk data size should be 1024 and the children chunk size 0
It seems that palette entry 0 is not used.

Additional tags (Incompletely understood)

The following additional tags have been found in vox files, the author has no idea whether they are part of the official format or custom tags for particular products. The descriptions below may be incomplete, or incorrect as they have only been surmised by reverse engineering.

Many of the chunks for the following consist of keyword/value pairs. That is, a 4 byte integer giving the length of the upcoming keyword or value, both follow as human readable text strings. These are called DICTionaries.

rCAMVirtual camera information?
Does not seem to be model geometry related
rOBJObject information?
The first integer indicates the number of keyword value pairs.
The subsequent data consists of keyword value pairs.
As an example: "_type _grid _color 0 0 0 _spacing 1 _width 0.05 _display 0 _enable 0"
Keywords include _type, _color, _edge, _width, _enable, _display, _spacing, _grid.
IMAPBinary data.
Seems like it could be colour/palette remapping
nTRNTransformation of XYZI chunk.
The first integer data seems to be the node id.
The next 6 integers have unknown meaning.
The subsequent data consists of keyword value pairs.
As an example: "_t 0 0 10"
Translate keyword encountered: _t, _r, _f
nGRPGrouping information?
nSHPShape information?
LAYRLayer names and/or information
The first integer data seems to be the node id.
The second integer meaning is unknown.
The subsequent data consists of keyword value pairs, ending in a keyword value pair length of -1. Keywords encountered: _name
MATLMaterial properies.
There generally seem to be 256 of these so perhaps one for each palette entry
The first integer seems to be the node id.
The second integer meaning is unknown.
The subsequent data consists of keyword value pairs.
As an example: "_type _diffuse _weight 1 _rough 0.1 _spec 0.5 _ior 0.3"
The keywords start with an underscore, for example _type, _diffuse, _weight, _rough, _spec, _ior
MATTMaterial properties.
Supposedly depreciated in favour of MATL
NOTEstring data


  • It seems that large models can be saved as multiple "chunks" (XYZI pieces), each of these may have a separate nTRN entry to position the chunks correctly. This gets around the problem of large models that need to span more than 256 units in any direction.

  • The palette handling is particularly strange. The length of the RGBA chunk is 1024, which is 256 rgba bytes, but only 255 are used. That is, palette index 0 is not read from the file.

Structure documented by MagicaVoxel

1. File Structure : RIFF style
# Bytes  | Type       | Value
1x4      | char       | id 'VOX ' : 'V' 'O' 'X' 'space', 'V' is first
4        | int        | version number : 150

Chunk 'MAIN'
    // pack of models
    Chunk 'PACK'    : optional

    // models
    Chunk 'SIZE'
    Chunk 'XYZI'

    Chunk 'SIZE'
    Chunk 'XYZI'


    Chunk 'SIZE'
    Chunk 'XYZI'

    // palette
    Chunk 'RGBA'    : optional

2. Chunk Structure
# Bytes  | Type       | Value
1x4      | char       | chunk id
4        | int        | num bytes of chunk content (N)
4        | int        | num bytes of children chunks (M)

N        |            | chunk content

M        |            | children chunks

3. Chunk id 'MAIN' : the root chunk and parent chunk of all the other chunks

4. Chunk id 'PACK' : if it is absent, only one model in the file; only used for the animation in 0.98.2
# Bytes  | Type       | Value
4        | int        | numModels : num of SIZE and XYZI chunks

5. Chunk id 'SIZE' : model size
# Bytes  | Type       | Value
4        | int        | size x
4        | int        | size y
4        | int        | size z : gravity direction

6. Chunk id 'XYZI' : model voxels, paired with the SIZE chunk
# Bytes  | Type       | Value
4        | int        | numVoxels (N)
4 x N    | int        | (x, y, z, colorIndex) : 1 byte for each component

7. Chunk id 'RGBA' : palette
# Bytes  | Type       | Value
4 x 256  | int        | (R, G, B, A) : 1 byte for each component
                      | * NOTICE
                      | * color [0-254] are mapped to palette index [1-255], e.g : 
                      | for ( int i = 0; i <= 254; i++ ) {
                      |     palette[i + 1] = ReadRGBA(); 
                      | }

8. Default Palette : if chunk 'RGBA' is absent
unsigned int default_palette[256] = {
   0x00000000, 0xffffffff, 0xffccffff, 0xff99ffff, 0xff66ffff, 0xff33ffff, 0xff00ffff, 0xffffccff, 
   0xffccccff, 0xff99ccff, 0xff66ccff, 0xff33ccff, 0xff00ccff, 0xffff99ff, 0xffcc99ff, 0xff9999ff,
   0xff6699ff, 0xff3399ff, 0xff0099ff, 0xffff66ff, 0xffcc66ff, 0xff9966ff, 0xff6666ff, 0xff3366ff, 
   0xff0066ff, 0xffff33ff, 0xffcc33ff, 0xff9933ff, 0xff6633ff, 0xff3333ff, 0xff0033ff, 0xffff00ff,
   0xffcc00ff, 0xff9900ff, 0xff6600ff, 0xff3300ff, 0xff0000ff, 0xffffffcc, 0xffccffcc, 0xff99ffcc, 
   0xff66ffcc, 0xff33ffcc, 0xff00ffcc, 0xffffcccc, 0xffcccccc, 0xff99cccc, 0xff66cccc, 0xff33cccc,
   0xff00cccc, 0xffff99cc, 0xffcc99cc, 0xff9999cc, 0xff6699cc, 0xff3399cc, 0xff0099cc, 0xffff66cc, 
   0xffcc66cc, 0xff9966cc, 0xff6666cc, 0xff3366cc, 0xff0066cc, 0xffff33cc, 0xffcc33cc, 0xff9933cc,
   0xff6633cc, 0xff3333cc, 0xff0033cc, 0xffff00cc, 0xffcc00cc, 0xff9900cc, 0xff6600cc, 0xff3300cc,
   0xff0000cc, 0xffffff99, 0xffccff99, 0xff99ff99, 0xff66ff99, 0xff33ff99, 0xff00ff99, 0xffffcc99,
   0xffcccc99, 0xff99cc99, 0xff66cc99, 0xff33cc99, 0xff00cc99, 0xffff9999, 0xffcc9999, 0xff999999, 
   0xff669999, 0xff339999, 0xff009999, 0xffff6699, 0xffcc6699, 0xff996699, 0xff666699, 0xff336699,
   0xff006699, 0xffff3399, 0xffcc3399, 0xff993399, 0xff663399, 0xff333399, 0xff003399, 0xffff0099, 
   0xffcc0099, 0xff990099, 0xff660099, 0xff330099, 0xff000099, 0xffffff66, 0xffccff66, 0xff99ff66,
   0xff66ff66, 0xff33ff66, 0xff00ff66, 0xffffcc66, 0xffcccc66, 0xff99cc66, 0xff66cc66, 0xff33cc66, 
   0xff00cc66, 0xffff9966, 0xffcc9966, 0xff999966, 0xff669966, 0xff339966, 0xff009966, 0xffff6666,
   0xffcc6666, 0xff996666, 0xff666666, 0xff336666, 0xff006666, 0xffff3366, 0xffcc3366, 0xff993366, 
   0xff663366, 0xff333366, 0xff003366, 0xffff0066, 0xffcc0066, 0xff990066, 0xff660066, 0xff330066,
   0xff000066, 0xffffff33, 0xffccff33, 0xff99ff33, 0xff66ff33, 0xff33ff33, 0xff00ff33, 0xffffcc33, 
   0xffcccc33, 0xff99cc33, 0xff66cc33, 0xff33cc33, 0xff00cc33, 0xffff9933, 0xffcc9933, 0xff999933,
   0xff669933, 0xff339933, 0xff009933, 0xffff6633, 0xffcc6633, 0xff996633, 0xff666633, 0xff336633, 
   0xff006633, 0xffff3333, 0xffcc3333, 0xff993333, 0xff663333, 0xff333333, 0xff003333, 0xffff0033,
   0xffcc0033, 0xff990033, 0xff660033, 0xff330033, 0xff000033, 0xffffff00, 0xffccff00, 0xff99ff00, 
   0xff66ff00, 0xff33ff00, 0xff00ff00, 0xffffcc00, 0xffcccc00, 0xff99cc00, 0xff66cc00, 0xff33cc00,
   0xff00cc00, 0xffff9900, 0xffcc9900, 0xff999900, 0xff669900, 0xff339900, 0xff009900, 0xffff6600, 
   0xffcc6600, 0xff996600, 0xff666600, 0xff336600, 0xff006600, 0xffff3300, 0xffcc3300, 0xff993300,
   0xff663300, 0xff333300, 0xff003300, 0xffff0000, 0xffcc0000, 0xff990000, 0xff660000, 0xff330000, 
   0xff0000ee, 0xff0000dd, 0xff0000bb, 0xff0000aa, 0xff000088, 0xff000077, 0xff000055, 0xff000044,
   0xff000022, 0xff000011, 0xff00ee00, 0xff00dd00, 0xff00bb00, 0xff00aa00, 0xff008800, 0xff007700, 
   0xff005500, 0xff004400, 0xff002200, 0xff001100, 0xffee0000, 0xffdd0000, 0xffbb0000, 0xffaa0000,
   0xff880000, 0xff770000, 0xff550000, 0xff440000, 0xff220000, 0xff110000, 0xffeeeeee, 0xffdddddd, 
   0xffbbbbbb, 0xffaaaaaa, 0xff888888, 0xff777777, 0xff555555, 0xff444444, 0xff222222, 0xff111111

* there can be multiple SIZE and XYZI chunks for multiple models; model id is their index in the stored order
* the palette chunk is always stored into the file, so default palette is not needed any more
* the MATT chunk is deprecated, replaced by the MATL chunk, see (4)
* (a), (b), (c) are special data types; (d) is the scene graph in the world editor

(a) STRING type

int32   : buffer size (in bytes)
int8xN	: buffer (without the ending "\0")

(b) DICT type

int32	: num of key-value pairs

// for each key-value pair
STRING	: key
STRING	: value

(c) ROTATION type

store a row-major rotation in the bits of a byte

for example :
R =
 0  1  0
 0  0 -1
-1  0  0 
unsigned char _r = (1 << 0) | (2 << 2) | (0 << 4) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 6)

bit | value
0-1 : 1 : index of the non-zero entry in the first row
2-3 : 2 : index of the non-zero entry in the second row
4   : 0 : the sign in the first row (0 : positive; 1 : negative)
5   : 1 : the sign in the second row (0 : positive; 1 : negative)
6   : 1 : the sign in the third row (0 : positive; 1 : negative)

(d) Scene Graph

T : Transform Node
G : Group Node
S : Shape Node

    / \
   T   T
   |   |
   G   S
  / \
 T   T
 |   |
 S   S

(1) Transform Node Chunk : "nTRN"

int32	: node id
DICT	: node attributes
	  (_name : string)
	  (_hidden : 0/1)
int32 	: child node id
int32 	: reserved id (must be -1)
int32	: layer id
int32	: num of frames (must be greater than 0)

// for each frame
DICT	: frame attributes
	  (_r : int8)    ROTATION, see (c)
	  (_t : int32x3) translation
	  (_f : int32)   frame index, start from 0 

(2) Group Node Chunk : "nGRP" 

int32	: node id
DICT	: node attributes
int32 	: num of children nodes

// for each child
int32	: child node id

(3) Shape Node Chunk : "nSHP" 

int32	: node id
DICT	: node attributes
int32 	: num of models (must be greater than 0)

// for each model
int32	: model id
DICT	: model attributes : reserved
	(_f : int32)   frame index, start from 0

(4) Material Chunk : "MATL"

int32	: material id
DICT	: material properties
	  (_type : str) _diffuse, _metal, _glass, _emit
	  (_weight : float) range 0 ~ 1
	  (_rough : float)
	  (_spec : float)
	  (_ior : float)
	  (_att : float)
	  (_flux : float)
(5) Layer Chunk : "LAYR"

int32	: layer id
DICT	: layer attribute
	  (_name : string)
	  (_hidden : 0/1)
int32	: reserved id, must be -1
(6) Render Objects Chunk : "rOBJ"

DICT	: rendering attributes
(7) Render Camera Chunk : "rCAM"

int32	: camera id
DICT	: camera attribute
	  (_mode : string)
	  (_focus : vec(3))
	  (_angle : vec(3))
	  (_radius : int)
	  (_frustum : float)
	  (_fov : int)
(8) Palette Note Chunk : "NOTE"

int32	: num of color names

// for each name
STRING	: color name
(9) Index MAP Chunk : "IMAP"

size	: 256
// for each index
int32	: palette index association

Sample models: models