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cspec - set the relative spectrum for the current color


cspec l_min l_max o1 o2 ... oN


Assign a relative spectrum measured between l_min and l_max nanometers at evenly spaced intervals. The first value, o1 corresponds to the measurement at l_min, and the last value, oN corresponds to the measurement at l_max. Values in between are separated by "(l_max-l_min)/(N-1)" nanometers. All values must be non-negative, and the spectrum outside of the specified range is assumed to be zero. (The visible range is 380 to 780 nm.) The actual units and scale of the measurements do not matter, since the total will be normalized according to whatever the color is modifying (e.g. photometric reflectance or emittance).


# Color measured at 10 nm increments from 400 to 700
m reddish_cloth =
                cspec 400 700 28.62 27.96 27.86 28.28 29.28 30.49 31.61 \
                         32.27 32.26 31.83 31.13 30.07 29.14 29.03 29.69 \
                         30.79 32.30 33.90 34.56 34.32 33.85 33.51 33.30 \
                         33.43 34.06 35.26 37.04 39.41 42.55 46.46 51.00
        rd 0.3210


c, cct, cmix, cxy